Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Friday, December 31, 2004

Personal Myth

Where to go for safety
up from rolling waters, down
away from twisting winds
or even to the center to
escape such a major shift

of earth that rocks on
unto its own bad self,
inescapable and unbidden
by the majority, makes you
wonder what is the ratio,

really between the good and
the calloused, the fate of us
all, really. In reality the pressure
is scientific, or is it divine...
and always the ultimate question
"What if... what if?"

Must be the biggest one ever,
an event of epic proportions.
You rock my world,
what does this mean,

(This one's more of a ramble, actually. The type of thing one thinks about coming home late in the evening after saying goodbye to friends and co-workers... tmb makes you too philosophical for your own good, I'm afraid.)

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