Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Monday, November 05, 2007

Worldwide shit

It happens more than I'd like for it to.

Last night I tried to watch a movie and up to a certain point it was relatively decent. Then it took a nose dive right smack in the middle... and became more lame by the second.
But that's not gonna be what I'm writing about today.

The fact is that before I even started this blog last night, I clicked on some other sites. Now usually they're what I think are important. And that part still remains true. They are important. But lately what happens is that I read this stuff, and it overrides everything else thats happening at the moment. Everything is blocked out by this dark cloud that I find every single time.
People abuse animals, that's been going on for hundreds of years. Its a fact, it's the actions of sick people that motivate me to try putting a stop to it. There's just so damn much of it, not just here in the city and state where I live. Not just in the U.S. It's much worse in China, Spain, Puerto Rico.. anywhere you can think of.
There are entire societies who think nothing of torturing a stray animal, or entire breed, or exploiting certain dogs for financial gain. The lengths they go, the intricate ways they find to inflict pain and death.
Sometimes it just gets so overwhelming. Frustration can build and this feeling of never really being able to help. Yeah, I know its easy to feel that way, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop. I go through this like maybe once or twice a week. Just thought I'd let you know a little of what its like.

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