Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Thank God my weekend is here now. I have a friend on MySpace who used to work where I do. I left a comment on his profile... "Please come back to the shoppe! At least long enough to slap some sense into she who must not be named." For the love of all that is decent, she really has to go. I just can't believe the level of laziness I deal with when I come in some mornings after her shift. She's left the most obvious things undone. It's been like that for as long as I've been there. She's moody, she's fake, she's a slob, and she knows damn good and well I don't like her.

I mean, I take pride in what I do. I try to make things look good. I take the time to socialize these little guys. I try to make their time here fun. And I give a shit. At least I give a shit. She'll do the absolute minimun she can get away with. I can't stand that. I guess you could say it's my pet peeve. Pun intended.

Maybe I'm just in a funk... I've been wanting to do the pictures for their site for months. I wanted to be their regular photographer for the new puppies and kittens. I've done it before, and I've done it well. But you can't rush these things. You have to take a ton of shots before you can get one good one. And you have to go through them all and choose the ones you want to use. But no, they just want to hurry up and slap any old picture up there no matter how crappy it is. Dammit! It could be a much better draw if they did it like I think it should be done. I mean, I look at those pics and then at mine and you can really tell a difference. I get the cutest ones, the ones where you can at least see their face, with some unique quality, some facial expression, some look in the eyes. The photos are so much better when there's some personality coming through. But no, they want to rush things, and that's one thing that can't be rushed. So I'm really kind of pissed off about that.

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