Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Irony of a Nameless Muse

In the dark and
stumbling over frozen

this early in the morning
I wonder, should I take
a moment of silence to
mourn the dead
or simply be relieved...
better the racoon
than me.

There but for the grace
of God go I...
just as easily and quick
with one wrong turn, a
driver with eyes elsewhere

Maybe with the distraction
of a cell phone, or he's
looking for that one song
on the radio
he just has to hear before
pulling into work.

A dropped cigarette..
spilled coffee...
It could be anything.
Light hasn't yet graced
the roads and I'm wearing
dark clothing
approaching on foot the
blind spot over a trench.

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