Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Friday, November 28, 2003

Dinner At the Hatfields

I am thankful for living life
and to have a little more
than before at this time,
and years past.
Thankful today that I'm
not on that return flight
to the west
where there was no dinner,
only a quick run to convenience
for a six-pack that couldn't
see me and CNN news that
left me numb.
I called it the year of death,
St. Ginney, Diana, Mother Teresa.
Lucky this year for some
return to tradition.
But on this very day, there are
still arguments in the Ozarks,
one of my own caught in the
crossfire of harsh words,
such as they might be.
Hysterical rants turned to
hurt feelings and snubs,
never supposed to be like this.
I can't even feel sorry for
the thankless anymore.
Just wish you could have
stayed home and had fun
with real family.

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