Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ok here's an update that doesn't include a link to some upsetting animal abuse story...

I watched (part of) the Academy Awards last night, and I have a few questions.

Did John Stewart make any new enemies in Hollywood? Nah, who cares?

What was wrong with Lauren Bacall? Was she having a stroke or was it just trouble with the teleprompter? There was a lot of hesitation in her intro about film noir last nignt... What was up with that?

Why did I fall asleep in the middle of the award for best film editing? As a result I missed what movie won for Best Picture... Oh I know NOW it was Crash, but dammit I'm always falling asleep trying to watch something when its on late like that, lol.

I'm really glad Phillip Seymore Hoffman won for best actor... I've been wanting to see Capote, and judging from the clips, he's done a really convincing job.

I suppose now, I'm gonna have to see Crash too, but at the moment I'm more anxious to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, or the Corpse Bride, since they're both coming out on DVD next week.

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