As The Stranger
Situation uncomfortable here
wasn't it from the start...
all the nagging questions
in the back of my mind...
the ones that always seem
so trivial to ask; in hindsight
the perfect ones to present.
Were there be actual threats here,
backed by fear and paranoia..
at the presence of a stranger
in the line of fire.
Innocence be damned, they took
me by surprise in this, taken
for granted that all was normal.
Oh, breathe in the smell of
hostility in the afternoon.
Just seconds before, yes...
on the step, he turned at the
entrance, an assurance.
These are good people,
they are decent folk.
Can be decent
among themselves
for eternity.
- A recent experience, very unpleasant.. I must learn to rely more on my instinct from now on.