We are so not ready for Joint Commission. A month ago none of the departments would let the floor techs anywhere near them, now they want all their floors stripped and waxed in a matter of hours. Impossible? No. Will it be done right? Hell no!
The inspectors will be touring the facility at 9:00 am on Monday. If we're lucky, they'll have everything wrapped up by Thursday afternoon. But since we're still struggling for preparedness, I forsee a lot of glitches in the schedule next week. I'm so not looking forward to this. And the uniforms... they've been having a control issue with those new uniforms. The ones none of us got to pick out, the Taco Bell lookin' ones. Turns out they run just huge and nobody's got the right size now... The Smalls look like a Large and the Mediums look like an Extra Large. And they want us to be wearing them on Monday? Someone says "We're gonna look like idiots." My response to that: "That's what they want." We have no say in anything anymore.. They've had new doors put on the housekeeping carts that don't close right or at all. It's just gonna be a total mess next week. No wonder everybody's so stressed out right now. JAHCO is going to be dinging us right and left... Oh I'm ok... yeah, we're all ok.. I sense this whole thing is going to be the last straw for a lot of people.