Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter
Thursday, August 26, 2004
I just got some pics back yesterday that I took a couple of months ago. Some of them turned out pretty good, I think. I have one that's a lot of contrast with the sun behind some clouds. Just awesome. Plus I have some of Laura's graduation, some recent pics of me I'd like to put up on my profile... since I deleted the one that was up there. The pic was over two years old, ancient for the internet wouldn't you say? If I can ever get together with the friend who does the neat little computer stuff, posting pics for us, me and my son Jason... they'll be up there very soon, I hope.. with a webtv and no scanner its pretty impossible. Well, stay tuned at any rate... I just love the cloud photo, I can't wait to share it. This may be just enough to get me back into photography again.