Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Identity Crisis

Haven't been myself lately
and today I may even be
somebody else, and float
the corridors...
But for now I take a cup
of instant to jump-start
the day. An aural dose of
Thrice and Fed*Up, one more
cup to last long enough to
get me there under the clock.
Schedule says I'm Martha today
so down the stairs I go, to
flip the light, undo padlock
pull links from a cart chained up
for when vendors descend in
dead of night, another mysterious
short order, and supplies disappear.
Such an infamous sleight-of-hand.
Guess tomorrow I'll be Sue,
floors three and five,
all week a different personality.
B1, 2, 4 East, West, North,
all points inbetween, and tell them
"That is correct, sir" I am
everywhere, everyday. Another day
collecting another fifty cents.
(must have been inflation in reverse)

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