Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter

Wednesday, August 20, 2003


Sometimes words are just
simply words
and a poem is just a poem
There are no direct speeches
except now, to myself...
Get over it and on toward the
exist and then live part,
exist and then live, surely
there can be no perpetual
constant one or the other
(That's right, but don't call
me Shirley) Because for now
I've got ten thousand stories
to tell that I'm still not done
living through yet. Because
I will always have
a story to tell... ones of
shooting stars and bears in
the woods, of Sir Ozzy, of
bus fantasies and of what
noise, if any. a tree makes
when it falls alone in the

hahaha, I'm sure this one doesn't make any sense, and for some reason I felt compelled to put in a quote from Leslie Nielson in Airplane.

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